Friday, November 24, 2006

From Good to Great: The Jesus Challenge

The leaders of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church and other social organizations need to restructure their organzations to meet 21st Century challenges. Leadership strategies which will hande the disparate, disinherited, and disenfranchised congregants will need to include the social, economic, political, and educational realities.

A detailed analysis of our present systems must be conducted in such a way that our restructure will be both relevant and familiar to our membership. I hope to balance the analysis in the areas of past and present norms, which will provide a workable construct for the restructure proposed.

Professionally, I intend to teach, lecture, and work with various churches, nonprofits and educational organizations to develop leadership models capable of meeting the challenges of ministry in a 21st century culture. With the increase in crime and violence, churches and other nonprofits will have to deal with issues of justice in new and creative ways. I hope to be able to research and collaborate with my colleagues in developing ways that leadership can reintegrate and reacclimatize persons returning to society from incarceration into its ranks with dignity and caution.

I believe that theological scholar-practitioners can shape and inform the mindset of 21st century leaders. Any ideas and theories that will help in this effort is what this blog is all about. I shall research and post certain information that will assist the clergy and laity in this effort as well as publish my musing as I continue to study the nature of leadership. In this way, the CME Church will be able to live up to its theme "From Good to Great: The Jesus Challenge."

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